Things Your Credit Card Company Will Do If You Just Ask
Have you ever missed a payment on your credit card? If you do, just ask the company to waive the late fee and they'll probably do it.
A new survey looked at the things your credit card company will usually do for you if you just call them up and ask:
- Waive a late payment fee. 25% surveyed had asked, and it worked 87% of the time. Just don't make it a habit.
- Up your credit limit. 28% asked, it worked 89% of the time.
- Lower your interest rate. 19% asked, and it worked 69% of the time.
- Waive their annual fee. Only 11% asked for it. 51% had it waived and another 31% ended up paying a lower fee. That's an 82% success rate.
The survey found that it's harder for young people to get a yes on all the stuff listed. Once you're in your mid-to-late 20's, your chances go up.