Iowa Woman Arrested After Threatening Victim With Free VasectomyIowa Woman Arrested After Threatening Victim With Free VasectomyA 31-year-old Davenport woman is facing a felony charge of stalking using a technological device. TheDwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
You're Telling Me 'Vasectomy Parties' Are a Real Thing? Cut Me InYou're Telling Me 'Vasectomy Parties' Are a Real Thing? Cut Me InI can't say I'm sorry I missed out on this new trend, but I'm always down for a good party. Even if it includes a sign that says "Ball Voyage" or cupcakes that say "Snip Snip Hooray".Bill StageBill Stage
Snip-Snap/Snip-Snap! Vasectomies are Up 900% Since Supreme Court DecisionSnip-Snap/Snip-Snap! Vasectomies are Up 900% Since Supreme Court DecisionIf you're going under the knife, I've got a pro tip that will help you during recovery.Bill StageBill Stage