When you walk through the aisles of the grocery store late at night, looking for something to crunch on, you have your go tos, your special occasions, and the new stuff you want to try but you're afraid to.
Growing up, we all get hooked on certain products that we make part of our daily routine. Whether it's drinks, snacks, or breakfast food, there's one thing that you grew up eating - until it wasn't on the shelf anymore.
I finally splurged and got my wife a remote start because I got tired of her asking "Can you go start my car?" I get it, it's a nice thing not to have her out in the cold, but hey man, I'm cold too!
Many popular snacks, drinks, and candies in North Carolina will undergo significant changes as the FDA phases out the controversial Red Dye No. 3, a synthetic coloring linked to cancer in animals.