Who else has gotten the sniffles lately?

It seems the flu is just bouncing it's happy sneezy self all around this winter. It's like you can get it from anywhere: your kids, your coworkers, the person behind you in line at the grocery store.

And the issue with the flu is that it lingers. It can take you out of commission for an entire week or two.

By now, it's likely you've had to cover for a coworker that got it, or you've had to be covered for since you got the flu. And all it takes is one kid bringing it home from daycare for the whole fam to get it. Flu season mostly peaks in February so we're at the doorstep. But how bad is it actually for us in the Midwest?

Flu Season 2025

So here's what we're dealing with, according to the latest stats from the CDC:


As of now, Iowa is in the 'high' activity level. Minnesota is considered 'very high' and Illinois is considered 'moderate'.

There's been an overall 25% increase in flu activity lately, according to the CDC.

Remember, it could only get worse in the coming weeks. Previous statistics from the CDC show that February is peak month for flu season and the number of reported flu cases drops off over the next couple of months, pretty much wrapping up in May.


There have been millions on millions of reported flu cases so far this flu season. Basically, doctors and experts are saying: we're really in for a bad one this year.

Of course, the flu can spread any time of the year but especially now. You know what to do: wash your hands, stay home if you're sick, clean surfaces, stay hydrated, and get the flu vaccine.

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Illinois Flag Commission

100 Interesting Facts About The Quad Cities You May Or May Not Know

The Quad Cities is filled with a very rich history. From inventions to crossing the Mississippi River, to American Presidents and Walt Disney, there are many facts about the Quad Cities that many people do not know. While there are many more stories and facts to share about the Quad Cities, you'll find in these 100 facts that all roads, somehow, lead back to the Quad Cities.

Gallery Credit: Connor Kenney/Townsquare Media Quad Cities

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