Are you a fan of hot food? Are you a fan of burgers? Thanks to the Loren Gingrich, owner of Xtreme Smokehouse and Grill in Washington, Iowa, the two are now together in what he hopes to be the World's Hottest Burger: The Hellfire Burger.

Gingrich has submitted the burger to the Guinness Book of Records, and hopes they will create a new category for his burger.

    Take a look at what's packed in this thing:

  • Ghost pepper
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Pure chili extract
  • Homemade hot pepper relish (made from jalapeno peppers, habanero peppers and serrano peppers)
  • Topped with a volcanic eruption of Hellfire Sauce
  • Literally served on fire!

He sears up a slab of beef infused with ghost and cayenne peppers, and pure chili extract. He douses that with a ring of Hellfire Sauce, and then splashes a little grain alcohol on top to fuel the final touch. “I wanted to take it a step further, so I set it on fire.”

Gingrich estimates the burger rates around 1,000,000 or higher on the Scoville Heat Scale. For comparison, a single jalapeno pepper rates between 2,500 and 5,000. U.S.-grade pepper spray is around 2,000,000. He’s submitted it to the Guinness Book of Records, and hopes they will create a new category for his burger.


If you're brave enough to try the Hellfire Burger, head over to Xtreme Smokehouse's website or Facebook Page.

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