13-year-old Frankie and 12-year-old Vincent Lepore put their bravery and survival skills to work when their scout leader was attacked by a bear.

"The main thing to do was just to stay calm."

When Christopher Petronino was grabbed and pulled into a cave the boys remained calm and remembered the skills they learned from being Boy Scouts.

"The main thing to do was just to stay calm," Lepore said.

They called 911, and threw food towards the cave in an effort to lure the bear out.

They also came up with a plan to help rescuers find them deep in the woods. They asked the 911 operator whether it would help if they made a signal fire to lead responders to them.

That fire was soon spotted by rescuers, and the barking of Petronino's dog helped scare off the bear.

ABC News

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