Kathy Landin is a freelance internet pop-culture junkie (and web video producer). For a brief time in 2011, she was THIS close to being Charlie Sheen's social media intern for the summer. She's blogged for local TV stations, anonymous dating adventures and stupid advice columns. Mostly she entertains herself by practicing the fine art of idiocy, which you can watch in Kathy Landin's "I'm an Idiot" Show. Or, if you have a short attention span, get 140 characters of idiocy on Twitter.
Kathy Landin
Holiday Boozing Tips — 7 Christmas Cocktails to Drink You Through the Season
Since the beginning of families, holidays, and especially family holidays like Christmas, alcohol has always been a key component to survival. Brighten up everyone's spirits by mixing up these delicious drinks -- and don't forget to pour one (or five) for yourself as you mix.
5 Bottles of Absinthe You’ll Want to Hallucinate Over
What is Absinthe? Is it legal in the U.S.? What are some good-quality bottles? How does a beginner get to know the Green Fairy? All your Absinthe answers are right here.
10 Pink Products That Can Actually Help Fight Breast Cancer
When it comes to the fight against breast cancer, not all pinks are equal. As we become more aware of the “pinkwashing” of America, we know that buying something in a shade of pink isn't necessarily doing anything to help the fight against breast cancer -- and some products can actually hinder it. That's why, as we spend our October supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month, getting the word out and doing our individual best to fund the cause as we see fit, we need to make sure we're supporting the fight well. (And of course, looking good while doing it -- that's also nice.)
5 Horrifying Accidents People Thought Were Just Halloween Displays
It might look like a standard corpse-hanging-from-a-tree prank, but sometimes something terrible really did happen.
5 Must-Have Vodkas for a Well-Stocked Bar
People don't generally write odes to vodka, which is a shame, really. It may not be the kind of flavor-packed liquor that often leads to thoughtful sipping and dedicated worshipping. But just because it isn't full of taste (unless it's one of those terrible flavored vodkas), that doesn't mean it isn't full of possibilities for mixing and shooting.
9 Moving Soldier Homecomings for Memorial Day
The servicemen and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time.
5 Fun Ways to Keep Kids and Grandparents Busy Over Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving means the whole family—in-laws, distant cousins, grandparents and grandchildren—gets together to share a meal, catch up and generally spend some quality time together. If you're the host, it can be a challenge to entertain such a broad gathering of people.
5 Simple Ways Introverts Can Get Noticed at Work
Experts will tell you that introverts are great leaders, yet it still seems like we live in a world designed to revere extroverts, especially in the workplace. If you know the right steps, and your own value as an introvert, you can make the office a comfortable place for you to grow and succeed even if you’re not a glad-hander.
5 Common and Major Interview Mistakes
Job interviews are hard enough without sabotaging yourself by making some major mistakes that hiring managers say are all too common. These seem like obvious interview no-nos, but they’re at the top of every recruiter’s list of things they see people doing all the time that kill their chances of being offered a job.
5 Things You Need to Know Before Getting Botox
Botox injections have been used as a cosmetic procedure for more than a decade, with millions of people trying to reduce the number of wrinkles on their faces.