Shauna Rogers is a 911 operator in Kent, Washington, outside Seattle. Earlier this month, she got a call from a guy who said he'd found a box of five abandoned kittens.

Which seems like an iffy reason to call 911, but at least he called someone. It must have been a slow day, because Shauna heard them meowing in the background and decided to help.

First she got in touch with a cop nearby, who said he could go get the kittens. Then she asked if he could bring them to her office and got her coworkers to adopt every single one of them.

Shauna says her favorite part of the whole thing is that she'll be able to get updates and see pictures of them as they grow up.

Which is rare in her job apparently. She says after she gets a 911 call and helps the person, that's usually it. She doesn't get updates most of the time, so she has no idea how everything turned out.

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