We're bombarded with advertisements nearly 24/7 nowadays. How many times have you turned the channel just because you couldn't stand to hear some paid spokesperson spew out another tagline?

On the flip side, how many times have you kept the channel because the commercial featured your favorite spokesperson?

My favorite spokesperson of all time? It's Clara Peller from Wendy's "Where's the beef?" campaign:

I asked the rest of the Morning Show and here's everyone's answers.

Dwyer went with Billy Mays, the legendary pitchman. Most people remember him from the Oxiclean commercials:

Klinger picked Dennis Haysbert from the Allstate Insurance ads. How much better does it get when Pedro Cerrano and President David Palmer helps you buy insurance?

Goose, for whatever reason, chose Flo from Progressive Insurance:

Mack went the Dwyer route and picked another pitchman, Vince Offer who's known for the ShamWow and fighting hookers:

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