Do you always leave a $1 tip for every drink you get at a bar? Well, you may not be quite as generous as you think.


Thrillist posted a guide for tipping bartenders in different scenarios. Apparently you should leave more than a dollar sometimes. Here are five scenarios and how much they say to tip. See if you agree:

  1. If you're getting a beer, tip at least $1. $2 if you're at a more upscale place. Yes, that's even if they're just filling a glass or opening a bottle for you.
  2. If you order a cocktail, tip at least $2. $3 if it takes a while to make.
  3. If you're drinking something non-alcoholic, you should still tip them a dollar. Which makes sense, since they're still doing the same amount of work.
  4. If they give you a free drink, tip them double on your next drink. It doesn't make sense to penalize them for doing you a solid.
  5. If you order multiple drinks or shots, tip at least 20% on the whole bill. Yep, most drinks cost more than five bucks, so that's going to be more than $1 a drink.

On the upside, if you bartender's a jerk, they say it's okay to stiff them and not leave a tip.

Read more at Thrillist.

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