Johnny Marx wrote a great article in today's copy of "The Dispatch and The Rock Island Argus" about my daughter Mallory and the book she wrote detailing her Scoliosis survival story.

The book recounts Mallory's battle with scoliosis, her lengthy surgery to correct an 85-degree curvature of her spine and the strength and determination she gained from enduring such a surgery.

It's filled with home and hospital photos, a frank and honest description of the tough first few days after surgery and the strong support from her doctor, hospital staff, family and friends.

"The goal has always been to share what I went through and offer anything I can to those going through it,'' Mallory said early this week. "I hope through the book and through personal meetings, I can assist families whose sons or daughters may be faced with needing spinal-fusion surgery.

"I take joy in helping ease their fears about the unknown and to inspire them to believe in themselves; to overcome their challenges.''

The book is just the latest effort in the many ways Mallory Obenbauf has worked to inspire others dealing with the trials and tribulations of scoliosis.

QC Online

Pre-orders for Mallory's book, "Magnificent Mallory: Scoliosis Survivor", are available online at


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