With the Race For The Cure coming up here in the Quad Cities, awareness is at an all-time high for breast health and Komen Foundation.

Who doesn't love rummage sales?  Even better if they benefitting "Komen Greater Iowa", right?  You can find treasures while you help save lives here in the QC..


Mark your calendars -- NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, May 18 & 19th is the Breast Garage Sale Ever hosted by Terri Reinartz!

ALL sales will benefit the Quad Cities Race for the Cure coming up on June 9.

"Sale items include: gardening tools, pots, shelves, headboard, artwork, craft supplies, home decor, holiday dish set, holiday decor, jewelry, kitchen gadgets, small appliances, cowboy stuff, toys/games, live plants, formal wear, pool table, linens, towels, baked goods and more."

Hosted by Race for the Cure Team - All About that BASEline


Still, need to register for the Race? You can register at the garage sale OR you can register online now: www.komengreateriowa.org/qcrace

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