Doctors are at a loss as to what is causing seventh grade student Katelyn Thornley to sneeze up to 12,000 times each day.

The family has consulted with six physicians which have ruled out viruses and allergies as causes for the sneezing. No medication has worked for Thornley. Experts believe it could be a stress-related reaction.

"Anything you talk to her about that irritates her -- you can see it spike and continuous sneezing," says Thornley's father. "It's easy to trigger."

"I don't care what they do, I just want it to stop going on for too long," says Thornley. She says she's trying to stay positive and keep up her sense of humor.

Thornley hopes to have a cure soon and be able to look back at the ordeal with a smile and say, "You know, I was on TV once for sneezing."

Fox 13

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